Welcome Fellow Campaigners!!

I'm participating in the Platform Building Campaign. If you're a fellow campaigner stopping by, make sure to leave me a comment if you follow me so that I can find you. Sometimes there's not a link in your profile on the GFC so I don't have a way to figure out where you came from. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and to reading your posts!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Insecure almost Writer Support Group

Today is the first meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group. If you're not signed up then head on over to Alex's, he's the ringmaster, and join in the insanity fun. I guess I'll go ahead and get the hard part out of the way.

Hi. My name is Dafeenah and I'm an insecure (almost) writer. 

My topic for this week is self doubt. I have not really talked about it on my blog, but I actually am working on my memoir. I've been working on it for some time now, but I never felt confident enough to talk about it. I don't consider myself to on the level as all of the other amazingly talented people I've met in the blogsphere. I worry I'll never finish my WIP simply because I tend to be so critical of myself. I go over and over and over what I've written. Trying to make it "better" or "good enough", but it's never better and it's never good enough. At least not to me. I worry over word choice. I feel because I don't have a good educational background that I am unable to express myself the way others are. Mostly because I don't have the vocabulary that others do and I don't know how to best use the words that I stumble across so that my point is made clear. 

A part of me knows I have some raw talent and if I could just shake off the self doubt and allow my writing to just flow, then I'd be a much better writer. However, that's easier said than done. So for now I'm just trying to get the words on the paper or in my case the MS word page. In my head I know exactly what I want to say, but when I go to type suddenly it all gets jumbled together. 

So enough of my whining. That's my confession for the week and here's a little writerly surprise for all of you:

On Monday I had the pleasure of having 16 yr old up and coming writer Jake on my blog. You can read the full post here. I asked him if he wanted a career in writing and this was his response: 

I wouldn't mind making my writing a career but I don't think I'm that talented. I'd love to but right now I'd just rather keep it a hobby. 

If you can, stop by and let him know he is talented enough.


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