Welcome Fellow Campaigners!!

I'm participating in the Platform Building Campaign. If you're a fellow campaigner stopping by, make sure to leave me a comment if you follow me so that I can find you. Sometimes there's not a link in your profile on the GFC so I don't have a way to figure out where you came from. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and to reading your posts!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

B (ardaasht)

Bardaasht is an Urdu word. It means:

1. endurance: the ability to suffer pain, distress, hardship or stress of any kind without succumbing
2. tolerance: a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions and practices that differ from one's own.
3. patience:  the power of suffering with fortitude; uncomplaining endurance of evils or wrongs


Abuse, Betrayal, Corruption, Disgrace, Exploitation, Fear, Grief, Hatred, Ignorance, Justification, Killers, Lewdness, Malevolence, Neglect, Oppression, Persecution, Questioning, Rape, Shame, Tribulation, Unclean, Violence, Wrath, You


What have you

PS: I am just in shock. I now have 50 followers. When I first started a few months ago I never imagined all of this. Blogging is truly an addiction. Since tomorrow is C I thought  we could start the Celebration a bit early by sharing some of my new found friends with you.

My 50th follower is Elizabeth Twist 
I found her through the A-Z challenge. She has some great tips and insights on how to be a better writer. I haven't been able to get through her whole blog yet, but I love what I have found so far.

Here are some others that don't have many followers so I thought it would be great to include them in the party as well:

Nofretiris Dream of Writing
A great blog for learning writing tips and techniques

Nuka vs The Land Walrus
If you love animals especially dogs, then you have to check out Erin's blog. She tells about her adventures with her animals including the time she got bit in an appropriate area by a neighbor's dog.

The New Chef's Journal
He makes me want to lick my computer screen. You have to check out his wonderful recipes.

If Blogging Burned Calories
Another one I found through the A-Z challenge. After eating all of that chocolate at the New Chef's Journal I definitely need to burn a few calories.


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